Monday 26 November 2012

Wonders of Printmaking & Future Plans

Hey guys!

I promised that I would post so pictures of my print pieces from the Print workshop weeks ago, and I have not forgotten! Here they are:

- Black Monoprints

Materials Used: Black Oil Based Paint, Acetate Paper, Newsprint, Pencil.

These prints are based on the shrouded girl within the confines of the spikes. Some prints are much more distorted and broken up in terms of identity than the others.

No it's time for me to think of how i can take this idea even further. I thought of a couple of ideas, but I did happen to find an artist called Allison Diaz, who takes photos of people and then breaks up the image into a geometric pattern by combining it with one or more photographs. The result is an errie, distorted image that leaves your eye wandering around the piece, looking to patch together the people present.

Allison Diaz - Haunted Mirror

I was thinking of making my own interpretation of this concept by using two (or more) images of the shrouded girl and cutting them into long segments and weave the pieces of paper together, to create the same type of pattern.

So that's all for now folks, more updates will be put up soon! Bye for now!

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