Monday 5 November 2012

Staying Focused and Editing Frequently

Hey guys!

This morning, I had a individual tutorial with three of my group tutors, Grainne, Mairead and Micheal Canning. They came by to talk to me about my current ideas and where they thought I should go next to keep the new ideas flowing. They first noticed that I had a lot of ideas still stuck on my studio wall which I either too literal/representational or no longer relevant to my current thinking process. It made me realise that my wall needs to be edited more frequently.

I found myself constantly leaving pieces on my wall to fill up the space on my wall. I need to keep thinking of ideas which I can replace with other, now irrelevant pieces. My tutors did say my work ethic and the level of ideas that I have is excellent, it's just now I need to stop being so representational, which was very helpful of them to tell me.

Another activity I need to focus on is to stick with a few ideas, and constantly make multiple pieces of an idea, rather than experimenting with an idea and not taking it to it's end. All in all, I must say, that tutorial was very helpful and insightful for myself, and my studio wall!

Here's one of the pieces that my tutors asked me to focus more on:

(There are several other pieces which they wanted me to work more on, but, of course, I forgot to take photos of them! I'll put them up in the next post!)

I also want to focus more on this bird cage I made. I was thinking of making it in a larger scale with rolled up newspaper, which would be capable of withholding a person. And it will be fun to make some other cages by playing with different materials. And even looking further into the shadows it makes.


Tomorrow is the day I start the Printmaking workshop with Des tomorrow afternoon! I've always had a interest for printing, especially since I had my Work Experience in Limerick Printmaker's in Transition Year. Can't wait to see how it goes!

That's all from me for now!

Talk to you guys soon!

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