Tuesday 23 October 2012

Progress Reviews & Moving Forward


My Progress Review is complete, and I must say, I'm am very pleased with the outcome! Two of my group tutors, Grainne and Mairead, reviewed my work and guided me on how to take my ideas further. After receiving a pleasing result, it's time to keep on going and taking my ideas to the next level!

Right now I am in the middle of editing my studio wall, so that I can allow more space for the ideas which are now relevant to my current progress. As I am looking at different forms of restricted space along with my other ideas, I found it quite interesting to use cloth and wrap it around the human form to display a new form of restricted and constricted space. In this case, I have used a roll of bandages and wrapped it around my own face, but once I get some more cloth, I will restrict the entire body.

Photo Manipulation Time:

Now it's time to break out Adobe Photoshop! I've done some photo manipulation to some of these photographs, so that people can relate to what emotions is running through the persons mind when they feel constricted. Here's a couple I have finished so far:

- Inverting colours and layering photos of my head in different angles, and lowering the opacity of some layers to create a sense of movement, as if I am trying to break free from the constraints.

- Layering grunge textures and changing the lighting to create an bleak atmosphere and an eerie space, which can be connected with the various emotions the constrained person is going through.

Plans For Tomorrow?

Tomorrow I am trying casting for the first time, because I have some ideas involving breaking out of a restricted space which will go hand-in-hand with some caste parts of the human body, such as the hands. And who could forget the good old CCS lectures! However, tomorrow we are getting our essay titles for the semester, so that will definitely be interesting to find out what choices we have for our essays!

Thanks for reading, and of course, I will be back to share more of my thoughts again tomorrow! See you later!

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