Sunday 21 October 2012

Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Hey guys!

I'm just back from a brilliant weekend in Dublin. Even though I didn't get the time to do some practical work, doesn't mean I didn't take in any inspiration!

I really wanted to post this video which was shown to us by Elaine Riordan during our Group Crit last Friday. It is a talk given by Sir Ken Robinson on how schools undermine creativity and how they try to stop students from thinking outside the box. 

I completely agree with everything Ken Robinson says during this interesting talk. I always felt so restricted in the secondary school education system; we just learned how to become human sponges by absorbing everything from textbooks and on the day of exams, we were made regurgitate all this information onto a piece of paper. Thankfully, I am now in LSAD where we are allowed to speak our minds and express our ideas freely. The education system should really learn to nurture creativity.

I'm definately going to get one of his books that Elaine also recommended "The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything" .I think I'll let the video do the talking for now though! So take the time to relax and watch this great talk.

Oh, and it's Progress Review day tomorrow! I'm ready to take on the tutors! I'll let you guys know how I get on tomorrow! Bye!


  1. Haha I like how you say your going to take on the tutors when they are looking at this as part of your assessment

  2. Hey, a bit of intimidation could go a long way! Well maybe not... :P
