Sunday 7 April 2013

Photoshop & Prototypes

Working with the shattered B idea, I created some images using Adobe Photoshop. I'm quite happy with the results, however, after a quick chat with my tutors, these ideas may not be the most original ideas I have Even though these ideas are not going to be pushed further, they are still worthy of being some great research pieces and they were extremely helpful when it comes to experimenting with letter forms Photoshop.

(Sorry about the quality of the photos, I can't find my memory stick, so I had to take photos of the print outs!)



Now it's time to start creating a prototype of out final ideas! A prototype is a sample of what will soon become our final piece, with some alterations along the way. I've chosen to create the B using green paper that is cut out into the shape of money (which can be seen in the thumbnails in the post below and in the photo below). I'm not going to decorate the pieces of paper to further indicate that represents money, because by simply using the shape and colour of the paper, I can show that it is money without using illustration.

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