I haven't posted an update on my contextual notebook in a long while, so here you go:
Kiki Smith
Kiki Smith is a Germany-born artist who creates sculptures, drawings and prints. These two collages from her "Sojourn" exhibition shows a cage as a restricted space, as it withholds a blue bird and a light bulb, but I can see their energy emits through the bars and escapes the confined cage.
Tobias Putrih
Putrih was born in Slovenia and creates re-imaged cinema interiors out of everyday materials such as cardboard and plastic foam. "Majestic" is a geometrical shaped environment, which allows the visitors to absorb it as a sculpture and also invites them to sit within the structure (which is confined but relaxing) and watch a projected film.
Erin Mulvehill
Mulvehill is a young photographer currently based in Brooklyn and is famous for her photgraphy series titled "Underwater". The photographs resemble women trapped underneath ice, almost frozen in time. The women trapped in this space creates a chilling and eerie atmosphere, and I find it fascinating that Mulvehill creates this sense of entrapment by taking these phots in her own studio, not underneath frozen water.
Dan Rees
Dan Rees was born in Swansea, United Kingdom, and works mainly with paintings that show his Minimalist style. "Stripey Paintings" are two canvases covered in green and yellow stripes of paint, but to me, I see these rectangular forms pertruding out of the wall, almost as if it is trying to break away from the wall.
CCS: Time for some Essay Writing!
So last week, we received our CCS essay titles for this semester, and I'm quite happy with the titles we have, mainly because I'm a big fan of Renaissance art! However, I'm still unsure about which title to choose from! I'll just lay down the foundations first by doing a quick draft, with some main points and key quotes, and then I can build it up from there. Shouldn't be too tough once I get into the swing of it! I was thinking of going for the second essay title out of the eight to choose from, where I evaluate the difference between Northern and Italian Renaissance art. I'll have to wait and see where it takes me!
That's all for today guys! See you soon!